College Composition & Communication
ISSN: 0010-096X
E-ISSN: 1939-9006
College Composition and Communication publishes research and scholarship in rhetoric and composition studies that supports college teachers in reflecting on and improving their practices in teaching writing and that reflects the most current scholarship and theory in the field. The field of composition studies draws on research and theories from a broad range of humanistic disciplines-English studies rhetoric cultural studies LGBT studies gender studies critical theory education technology studies race studies communication philosophy of language anthropology sociology and others-and from within composition and rhetoric studies where a number of subfields have also developed such as technical communication computers and composition writing across the curriculum research practices and the history of these fields.
Malea Powell
Michigan State University
Editorial Assistant
Jill McKay Chrobak
Michigan State University
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Permission Requests
[email protected]
Next Editors Selected
NCTE and CCCC welcome Dr. Matthew Davis of the University of Massachusetts Boston and Dr. Kara Taczak of the University of Central Florida as incoming editors of College Composition and Communication. Kara and Matt were editorial assistants at CCC as graduate students and are thrilled to return to service at the journal after an editorial tenure at Composition Studies. Their first issue will be published in February 2025.
Malea Powell
Michigan State University
Editorial Assistant
Jill McKay Chrobak
Michigan State University
Contact Us
Email: [email protected]
Permission Requests
[email protected]
Next Editors Selected
NCTE and CCCC welcome Dr. Matthew Davis of the University of Massachusetts Boston and Dr. Kara Taczak of the University of Central Florida as incoming editors of College Composition and Communication. Kara and Matt were editorial assistants at CCC as graduate students and are thrilled to return to service at the journal after an editorial tenure at Composition Studies. Their first issue will be published in February 2025.
College English
ISSN: 0010-0994
E-ISSN: 2161-8178
College English is the professional journal for the college scholar-teacher. CE publishes articles about literature rhetoric-composition critical theory creative writing theory and pedagogy linguistics literacy reading theory pedagogy and professional issues related to the teaching of English. Issues may also include review essays.
Council Chronicle
ISSN: 1057-4190
NCTE's membership magazine covers issues and trends in the English language arts and tips and resources for your classroom.
English Education
ISSN: 0007-8204
E-ISSN: 1943-2216
English Education is the journal of English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE) formerly the Conference on English Education (CEE) a constituent organization of the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). The journal serves teachers who are engaged in the preparation support and continuing education of teachers of English language arts/literacy at all levels of instruction. (Published October January April and July.)
English Journal
ISSN: 0013-8274
E-ISSN: 2161-8895
English Journal is NCTE's award-winning journal of ideas for English language arts teachers in junior and senior high schools and middle schools. It presents information on the teaching of writing and reading literature and language and includes information on how teachers are applying practices research and multimodal literacies in their classrooms.
English Leadership Quarterly
ISSN: 1943-3050
English Leadership Quarterly a publication of the Conference on English Leadership (CEL) helps department chairs K-12 supervisors and other leaders in their role of improving the quality of literacy instruction. ELQ offers short articles on a variety of issues important to decision-makers in English language arts.
FORUM: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty
ISSN: 1522-7502
FORUM: Issues about Part-Time and Contingent Faculty is a peer-reviewed publication concerning working conditions professional life activism and perspectives of non-tenure-track faculty in college composition and communication.
Language Arts
ISSN: 0360-9170
E-ISSN: 1943-2402
Language Arts provides a forum for discussions on all aspects of language arts learning and teaching primarily as they relate to children in pre-kindergarten through the eighth grade. Issues discuss both theory and classroom practice highlight current research and review children's and young adolescent literature as well as classroom and professional materials of interest to language arts educators.
Research in the Teaching of English
ISSN: 0034-527X
E-ISSN: 1943-2348
Research in the Teaching of English (RTE) is an archival research journal of the highest standards incorporating a broad range of epistemologies and ontologies that builds the research base and theoretical base for the fields of language arts education literacy education biliteracy education and literature education in and out of classroom contexts from birth through adulthood inclusive of grades preschool through graduate education and in teacher education.
RTE is committed to inclusion of diverse voices scholarship and intellectual activity grounded in both the social sciences and in the humanities and scholarship from scholars both in and outside the United States including scholars located in non-English language dominant geographies.
RTE is committed to inclusion of diverse voices scholarship and intellectual activity grounded in both the social sciences and in the humanities and scholarship from scholars both in and outside the United States including scholars located in non-English language dominant geographies.
Talking Points
ISSN: 1522-6115
E-ISSN: 1943-3085
Talking Points is published by LLA Literacies and Languages for All a conference of NCTE. Talking Points helps promote literacy research and the use of whole language instruction in classrooms. It provides a forum for parents classroom teachers and researchers to reflect about literacy and learning.
Teaching English in the Two-Year College
ISSN: 0098-6291
E-ISSN: 1943-2356
Teaching English in the Two-Year College (TETYC) the journal of the Two-Year College English Association (TYCA) is for instructors of English studies in the two-year college. TETYC publishes theoretical and practical articles across the range of English studies at the two-year college including composition and rhetoric developmental education technical and business communication reading and literacy literature creative writing language dual and concurrent enrollment as well as professional issues.
Voices from the Middle
ISSN: 1074-4762
E-ISSN: 1943-3069
Voices from the Middle publishes original contributions by middle level teachers students teacher educators and researchers in response to specific themes that focus on our discipline our teaching and our students. Voices offers middle level teachers innovative and practical ideas for classroom use that are rooted in current research; this is a journal for teachers by teachers. (Published September December March and May)
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