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English Language Arts/ General
From Language Arts to Learning Communities: A Pathway toward Critical Literacy for Everybody
This article will outline how literacy leaders can engage their community through empowering conversations and composition that center the body as knowledge and text.
Writing Matters: Following Multilingual Learners’ Lead to Expand Writing Assessment Practices
We explore writing and assessment of writing as a way to raise awareness of how to engage in the work of expanding literacies from a both and perspective one that acknowledges students’ translanguaging repertoires and identities.
The Body as Pedagogy: Exploring Literacies of the Body in Children’s Literature
Using literacies of the body and critical literacy lenses this article examines an author visit and possibilities for centering the body in text-based discussions with children.
Civic Literacies: Civic Engagement in the Early Years: Creating Opportunities for Children to Engage in Meaningful Social Action
As the final piece of our yearlong inquiry asking “What does it mean to prepare students for civic engagement?” Tiffany Livingston Palmatier shares how she scaffolds her kindergarten and first-grade students from talk to action.
Using Postmodern Picture Books as Mentor Texts for Critical Writing Pedagogy
Using the framework of critical writing pedagogy this study explores how five elementary students utilized craft moves from postmodern picture books in their own writing.