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English Language Arts/ General
Argumentative Writing and the Common Core in the DCPS: A Qualitative Analysis of Student and Teacher Perceptions
This qualitative analysis of One World Education a college-ready writing instruction program reports on teacher and student reaction and satisfaction.
Literature Circles for Adolescent Developmental Readers
This study introduced developmental adolescent readers to literature circles to balance literacy instruction based on students’ needs.
Toward a Readership of “Real” People: A Case for Authentic Writing Opportunities
This piece documents one teacher’s effort to provide students with an authentic writing opportunity: the collaborative writing and publication of a middle grades novel.
Reframing Readiness: The Framework for Success as Writing Comprehension
The Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing (Council of Writing Program Administrators National Council of Teachers of English and National Writing Project) describes experiences and habits of mind that will equip students for success in college writing. This column highlights examples of the values espoused by the Framework and aims to increase understanding of this statement advocating for its rich conception of writing.
Disabling Assumptions: Reading the Silence in Jennifer Egan’s “Great Rock and Roll Pauses”
This column explores how paying attention to disability—both to the rich contributions made by people with disabilities and to the sometimes negative attitudes in society that can interfere with those contributions—can foster classroom interactions that are more democratic more inclusive and more equitable.
Demystifying Poetry for Middle Grades Students through Collaborative, Multimodal Writing
The authors describe a three-week poetry unit created with the goal of positioning middle grades students as poets and engaging them in collaborative multimodal writing. Findings reveal that students were able to reconsider their assumptions about poetry and begin to see the personal value in writing poetry when presented with opportunities to bridge their out-of-school and school literacies.
Building Hopeful Secondary School Writers through Effective Feedback Strategies
This article shares effective strategies for providing secondary students meaningful feedback on their writing.
Continuous Becoming: Moving toward Mastery: Always Teach with the Door Open
“Continuous Becoming: Moving toward Mastery” offers suggestions ideas and experiences to help novice and veteran teachers discover their own road maps toward mastery.
The Spaces In-Between: Independent Writing Programs as Sites of Collective Leadership
In this article I explore the ways that non-tenure-track faculty might develop a place in collective leadership alongside tenure-track faculty. Drawing on theoretical framing from Theodore Kemper’s research on structures of emotion in social movements I offer a way to better understand how authentic respect for teaching and service as scholarly work helps develop opportunities for non-tenure-track teachers to develop their expertise as leaders. I illustrate some of these possibilities and suggest that these leadership opportunities may ultimately help increase visibility and respect for non-tenure-track faculty.
Complexity Leadership and Collective Action in the Age of Networks
Complexity leadership theory provides a perspective on leadership that values rather than avoids the realities of a complex environment. As we are now fully part of an age of networks facilitating leadership toward collective action means embracing a distributed model reliant on multiple modes of communication distributed over multiple nodes in complex networks. A complexity theory of leadership that is practiced within the context of multimodal authorship favors collective action over individual action collaboration over centralization and connectivity over isolation. It is in the power of multiple networks interacting and becoming a complex adaptive system that collective action leads to positive change.
Reframing Readiness
The Framework for Success in Postsecondary Writing (Council of Writing Program Administrators National Council of Teachers of English and National Writing Project) describes experiences and habits of mind that will equip students for success in college writing. This column highlights examples of the values espoused by the Framework and aims to increase understanding of this statement advocating for its rich conception of writing.
Making Sense of Events in Literature through Rewriting Narrative Events
The author describes two students creating narrative versions of an event from The Things They Carried to portray conflicts in characters’ interactions to address the issue of sex abuse.