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- Volume 44, Issue 1, 2016
Teaching English in the Two-Year College - Volume 44, Issue 1, 2016
Volume 44, Issue 1, 2016
- Articles
Editor’s Introduction: A Mirror or a Lamp?
Author(s): Holly HasselEditor Holly Hassel introduces her first issue of TETYC.
Assessing the Accelerated Learning Program Model for Linguistically Diverse Developmental Writing Students
Author(s): Leah Anderst, Jennifer Maloy and Jed ShaharThis article uses quantitative and qualitative means to assess the impact of an Accelerated Learning Program on the performance and satisfaction of students designated ESL and developmental at a large, urban community college.
Student-Athletes, Prior Knowledge, and Threshold Concepts
Author(s): J. Michael RifenburgPulling data from a year-long case study into a Division II men’s basketball team, this article suggests how threshold concepts as currently conceptualized and implemented in first-year composition pedagogy and curriculum could more directly consider unique forms of literacies student-athletes bring into the classroom.
The Literature of Work: Developing a Thematic Unit on Work
Author(s): David B. RaymondThis essay outlines a plan for developing a thematic unit on work to better engage career and technical students in the study of literature. Included in the essay are strategies for course structure, pedagogy, and writing assignments.
Writing Center Efficacy at the Community College: How Students, Tutors, and Instructors Concur and Diverge in Their Perceptions of Services
Author(s): Ilona Missakian, David B. Raymond, Carol Booth Olson, Rebecca W. Black and Tina MatuchniakIn this exploratory study of community college writing centers, the responses of students, tutors, and instructors are analyzed to explore two issues: what writing challenges each group identifies and expects writing assistance with in the center and what perceptions the groups have of the efficacy of writing center assistance.
Developing a Cohesive Academic Literacy Program for Underprepared Students
Author(s): Cassandra Phillips and Joanne Baird GiordanoThis article describes a statewide integrated developmental and first-year writing program that uses multiple measures placement data about college readiness to inform curriculum and faculty development.
Instructional Note: Online Peer Review across Sections
Author(s): Lykourgos VasileiouConducting online peer review with students from other sections allows for a more writing-focused process.
What Works for Me: Using Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho to Demonstrate the Importance of Thoughtful Reading and Writing
Author(s): Allison BressmerAppreciating the details of a famous movie scene helps today’s visually oriented students recognize the importance of reading and writing with careful thought and awareness.
Review Essay: The Good Work of Writing Assessment That Reveals What the Field Lacks
Author(s): Asao B. InoueBooks reviewed: Assessing and Improving Student Writing in College: A Guide for Institutions, General Education, Departments, and Classrooms
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