English Journal
Write for English Journal
Amy Burke, Aimee Hendrix-Soto, and Mary Amanda Stewart
See EJ Calls for Manuscripts for information on upcoming themed issues.
See EJ Columns for information on submissions to specific columns.
About English Journal
English Journal is the award-winning NCTE journal of ideas for English language arts teachers in junior and senior high schools and middle schools. It presents the teaching of writing and reading, literature, and language arts, and includes information on how teachers are applying practices, research, and multimodal literacies in their classrooms.
English Journal is a practitioner-based publication in the discipline of English language arts. (EJ is published as an annual volume with issues appearing in September, November, January, March, May, and July.)
English Journal is refereed, and virtually all manuscripts are read by three outside reviewers who are teachers and teacher educators. We try to reach a decision on each article within five months. The decision on manuscripts submitted in response to a specific call for manuscripts will be made after the call deadline.
Prospective contributors should consult the NCTE Statement on Gender and Language.
Submission Guidelines
- Manuscripts should be double-spaced throughout (including quotations and Works Cited page), with standard margins. Please save copies of anything you send us. We cannot return any materials.
- In general, manuscripts for articles should be no more than 15 double-spaced, typed pages in length (2,500 to 4,000 words including citations). Number all pages of the manuscript.
- Use in-text documentation by following the 7th Edition of APA. Where applicable, a list of Works Cited and any other bibliographic information should also follow APA style.
- Provide a statement guaranteeing that the manuscript has not been published or submitted elsewhere.
- Ensure that the manuscript conforms to the NCTE Statement on Gender and Language.
- Remove any biographical, identifying, and personal information such as author names or school/institution in your manuscript and in the Works Cited listing. (Use “Author” in lieu of listing full name.)
- Refer to these two documents, which are highlighted above, as you prepare your manuscript: Checklist for Authors Preparing an Article Manuscript and Five Tips for Submitting Articles to English Journal.
Submit all manuscripts through the English Journal Editorial Manager site.
Questions about the journal’s content? Contact the coeditors at [email protected].
Questions about subscriptions, payment, or address changes? Contact NCTE’s Customer Service department at [email protected].
Consent-to-Publish Forms
Below are the most common consent-to-publish forms (CTPs) used by English Journal. All are PDFs that can be filled out online using Acrobat Reader, signed electronically, and returned by email to [email protected].
Author/Contributor Consent-to-Publish Form
Use this form to grant English Journal permission to publish your article: Contributor CTP
Use this form to grant English Journal permission to publish your poem: Poet CTP
Student Writing and Other Unpublished Work
Use this form to get permission to publish student writing or another piece of previously unpublished writing: Permission to Publish Student and Other Work
Anyone whose face appears in a photo published in the journal must grant permission for us to use their image. Use this form to get permission from a person in a photo other than the author: Photo subject permission
Use this form to get permission to publish a photo taken by someone other than an author of the EJ article in which it will appear: Photographer CTP
For questions regarding permissions and consents, please contact the EJ Editors at [email protected].