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- Volume 110, Issue 1, 2020
English Journal - Volume 110, Issue 1, 2020
Volume 110, Issue 1, 2020
- Articles
- Affirming LGBTQ+ Identities
The Times They Keep a-Changin’
Author(s): Alex SanchezAcclaimed author Alex Sanchez recalls his experience of writing and publishing a YA novel with queer and questioning characters in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
Trans*/School: Across and beyond Queer-Inclusive Pedagogy
Author(s): Liz HeltonTeaching a seminar for preservice graduate students pushed the author to consider the possibilities for “critical trans* pedagogy” in secondary English classrooms.
Gender Inclusivity in the Middle School Writing Classroom
Author(s): Samantha WoodWhen two students chose not to identify their gender on a standardized test, an eighth-grade teacher noticed and realized she needed a more inclusive approach to instruction.
Surfacing Queer Stories in the High School Canon
Author(s): Karen Zaino“Moving toward discomfort” in classroom discussions provided the author a starting point for conversations about the conventions of normativity
Unpacking Gendered Arguments to Increase LGBTQ+ Allyship
Author(s): Jennifer AnsbachA new state requirement to teach an LGBTQ+-inclusive curriculum inspired a teacher in New Jersey to create an American literature unit focused on intersectionality and allyship.
Creating a Lifeline: Strategies for LGBTQ+ Inclusive-Affirming Practices across Grades
Author(s): S. Adam Crawley and Sarah J DonovanA former elementary teacher and a former high school teacher collaborated to envision a comprehensive approach to inclusive ELA instruction.
Reading the (Heteronormative) World: Critical Literacy and LGBTQ+ Book Clubs
Author(s): Emily S. Meixner and Rachel ScuppEighth graders in New Jersey began their academic year witha close-reading unit focused on gender and queer theory.
Contemporary and Pre–World War II Queer Communities: An Interdisciplinary Inquiry via Multimodal Texts
Author(s): Denise Dávila and Elouise EpsteinResearch on the use of linked text sets to study the Holocaust inspired the authors to create an interdisciplinary unit that is intentionally queer-inclusive.
When Inclusion Meets Resistance: Resources for Facing a Challenge
Author(s): Paula Greathouse, Annamary Consalvo, Katharine Covino, Ann D. David, Brooke Eisenbach and Mark LetcherMembers of the NCTE Standing Committee Against Censorship provide suggestions for combating resistance to progressive curricula and inclusiveclassroom libraries.
Pushing the LGBTQ+ Conversation Forward: An Interview with Roxanne Henkin
Author(s): Toby Emert and Craig A. YoungIn a conversation about her experiences with NCTE working as an advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ concerns over several decades, a pioneer reflected on the organization’s progress.
- General Interest
Honor List of 2019 Prize-Winning YAL: Coming of Age—Past, Present, and Future
Author(s): Bryan GillisBryan Gillis read everything from the year’s “best of” lists to select what he considered to be the six must-reads.
- Poetry
- Columns
Books in Review: Smack-Talking and Dime-Dropping on the Road to Powerful Writing
Author(s): Tom RomanoTom Romano suggests that Martin Brandt’s new book brings variety and sophistication to the development of grammar and student voice.
#Disrupttexts: #DisruptTexts: An Introduction
Author(s): Tricia Ebarvia, Lorena Germán, Kimberly N. Parker and Julia TorresIn their inaugural column, the editors call for ELA curricula to be intentionally inclusive of BIPoC voices as a way to disrupt White supremacy in our classrooms.
Intersectional LGBTQ+ Identities: Kindness is the Heart of the Classroom
Author(s): Crystal L. BeachHelping students feel “at home” in the classroom relies on a community ethos that honors everyone.
Volumes & issues
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Volume 1 (1912)