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- Volume 107, Issue 3, 2018
English Journal - Volume 107, Issue 3, 2018
Volume 107, Issue 3, 2018
- Articles
- Writing Is Power: Helping Students Craft Their Wor(l)ds
“Can we blog about this?”: Amplifying Student Voice in Secondary Language Arts
Author(s): Christina MellyThis article describes blogging implementation in ninth-grade pre-advanced placement language arts classes to support strong writing practices. The author found that blogging empowered high school authors to craft worlds of digital expression where they pushed each other to become stronger writers.
Power Play: From Grammar to Language Study
Author(s): Michelle D. Devereaux and Darren CrovitzThis piece explores how moving from grammar instruction to language study empowers students and their writing. The authors detail how to leverage what students already know and how certain language moves negotiate power.
Emphasizing the Sensuous: Writing for a Richer Life
Author(s): April BrannonThe author advocates for increased attention to sensory-based writing, arguing that increased awareness of the sensuous leads to a richer life. A writing exercise for each of the five senses is included.
Finding Value in the Process: Student Empowerment through Self-Assessment
Author(s): Amber Warrington, Lauren Graeber, Holland White and John SaxtonFour English language arts teachers formed an inquiry group to design approaches to writing assessment that would support and foster student writers’ agency, empowerment, and freedom.
“But in the end, you are all beautiful”: Exploring Gender through Digital Composition
Author(s): Rob Simon, Benjamin Lee Hicks, Ty Walkland, Ben Gallagher, Sarah Evis and Pamela BaerThe authors examine photovoice projects created by students and teacher candidates who explored issues of gender in response to a young adult novel and co-researched that process.
Making Room for the Writers: Creating Time and Space for Secondary School Writing
Author(s): Mary Frances (Molly) Buckley-MarudasThis article focuses on how adolescent writers took up an invitation to write and share a piece of work in school that wasn’t tied to a grade. Students’ responses to this invitation are examined in an effort to revise some of the typical approaches to teaching writing.
Comics, Collage, and Other Things with Crayons: The Power of Composing with Image
Author(s): Jessi ThomsenThis article examines the power of composing images as students construct identities and shape their own worlds. It illustrates student empowerment through agency, intellectual engagement, and community investment and suggests that composing with images forms a bridge back to alphabetic-centric composing.
More Than Words: Student Writers Realizing Possibilities through Spoken Word Poetry
Author(s): Rebecca Woodard and Rick CoppolaThis article illustrates an enactment of culturally sustaining writing pedagogy through composing, performing, and responding to spoken word poetry.
Designing and Testing Multimodal Instruction Sets: Writing for Real-Life Users
Author(s): Sarah K. GunningHow can we make writing instruction more relevant to the writing all students will use on the job— not just college-bound students? This article proposes technical writing components to help prepare students to write for audiences beyond the classroom.
Maximizing the Heuristic Potential of the Enthymeme
Author(s): Ben Roth ShankThis article explores how Aristotle’s enthymeme can serve as an effective prewriting tool for literary analysis in the high school classroom. By foregrounding audience and purpose, the enthymeme clarifies for students their necessary content and options for organizing their ideas.
Teaching Revision as an Act of Voice and Agency
Author(s): Christopher Mazura, Jacqueline Rapant and Mary SawyerRevision is arguably the heart of the writing process, but teachers and students may sidestep the complexities in favor of the quick finish. By surfacing the classroom ecologies and practices involved in supporting student writers, the authors discover revision as a site for the development of agency.
The Square Cucumber: Restoring Student Autonomy and Confidence
Author(s): Victoria Johnston BoechererThomas Nunnally equates five-paragraph format essays with square cucumbers found at farmer’s markets: they have an established structure but no argument. The real square cucumbers are students who need a formula to write competently.
Teaching Informed Argument for Solution-Oriented Citizenship
Author(s): Casey OlsenELA classrooms are uniquely positioned to teach students the value of informed citizenship and compelling argument.
Breaking the Thin Glass: Alternative-Genre Responses to Standardized Writing Tests
Author(s): Mike MillerThis piece narrates the year-long journey of students who successfully responded in a variety of genres to a statewide writing test that traditionally calls for nonfictional prose essays.
“The first essay I’d like to show you …”: 1:1 DV for Writing Assessment and Reflection
Author(s): David NarterThis article explains the many advantages of Digital Video (DV) Assessments, student DV portfolios, and student DV introductions. It provides a pedagogical and humanitarian rationale for such practices and offers some unexpected results, such as unique and improved teacher-to-student rapport.
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