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- Volume 106, Issue 4, 2017
English Journal - Volume 106, Issue 4, 2017
Volume 106, Issue 4, 2017
- Articles
Students Contesting “Colormuteness” through Critical Inquiries into Comics
Author(s): David E. LowIn an era of “colorblind racism,” in which race and racism are often suppressed as topics of discussion in classrooms, this article explores how students used comics to invent workarounds for “colormuteness” in their school. Knowing comics are not generally taken seriously, students employed the medium to subversive ends.
Beyond the Dream, the Journey: American Novels That Track the Path from Slavery to Freedom
Author(s): Maridella CarterFocusing on the literal and psychological journey to freedom in Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Morrison’s Beloved, and Jones’s The Known World, the author discusses how students’ reading of these three novels in chronological order creates a literary journey about our culture’s movement toward equality of opportunity.
Revolutionizing the English Classroom through Consciousness, Justice, and Self-Awareness
Author(s): Lyschel ShippThe author argues that, by revolutionizing the literary canon, we are revolutionizing the English classroom, and urges us to shift from focusing exclusively on required texts to equally acknowledging the urgent need for consciousness and activism from our students.
#Woke: Employing Black Textualities to Create Critically Conscious Classrooms
Author(s): Monique Cherry-McDanielThis article employs the use of black textualities to reimagine an English classroom designed to cultivate critically conscious students. The author argues that a critically conscious classroom engages students in self-determination, citizenship formation, and strategic activism, and further argues that black textualities are perfect for supporting this work.
Racial Identity and Liberation Literacies in the Classroom
Author(s): Jamila LyiscottThe author explores the racial and cultural ideologies that inform what it means to be Black in the United States and how this mainstream framing of Blackness intersects with teacher preparedness to engage Black textual expressions in the classroom.
Sourcing the Imagination: Ta-Nehisi Coates’s Work as a Praxis of Decolonization
Author(s): Stacey A. GibsonAt a time when some high school English classrooms erase and distort experiences and identities, it is vital for educators to explore pedagogies that provide radically reimagined forms of liberatory thought. This article explores ways the work of Coates can serve as “blueprint liberation” in the English classroom.
“Loving Blackness to Death”: (Re)Imagining ELA Classrooms in a Time of Racial Chaos
Author(s): Lamar L. Johnson, Johnnie Jackson, David Stovall and Denise Taliaferro BaszileIn this article, the authors argue that the racial violence that unfolds against Black youth in various communities seeps into ELA classrooms. They contend educators must begin to reimagine ELA classrooms as revolutionary sites that disrupt racial injustice while striving to transform the world and humanize the lives of Black youth.
The Teaching of “Dangerous” School Bodies: Toward Critical Embodied Pedagogies in English Education
Author(s): Ting YuanThe author reflects on Fanon’s “historico-racial schema” regarding the Black body and shares a personal teaching journey. The author further builds on Leander and Boldt’s critique of “A Pedagogy of Multiliteracies” to examine the dimension of body within multiliteracies, followed by a discussion on critical embodied pedagogies.
Lingua Anglia: Bridging Language and Learners: Facilitate Informational Text Comprehension with Vocabulary Instruction
Author(s): Meghan D. Liebfreund“Lingua Anglia: Bridging Language and Learners” discusses critical, transformative, and powerful ways to support students’ acquisition of Standard English.
Disabling Assumptions: The Fault in Our Oversights: Employing a Disabilities Studies Lens with The Fault in Our Stars
Author(s): Amber MooreThis column explores how paying attention to disability—both to the rich contributions made by people with disabilities and to the sometimes negative attitudes in society that can interfere with those contributions—can foster classroom interactions that are more democratic, more inclusive, and more equitable
Speaking Truth to Power: The Persistent Relevance of a Writing Process Orientation
Author(s): Anne Elrod Whitney and Lindy L. Johnson“Speaking Truth to Power” seeks to explore the experiences and possibilities that arise when educators speak Truth to power.
Soft(a)ware in the English Classroom: (Re)Framing Education for Equity: Acknowledging Outputs and Inputs in Literacies Education
Author(s): Noah Asher Golden“Soft(a)ware in the English Classroom” seeks to identify the ways in which our teaching and learning lives are influenced by software.
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