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- Volume 104, Issue 5, 2015
English Journal - Volume 104, Issue 5, 2015
Volume 104, Issue 5, 2015
- Articles
High School Matters: Teaching Writing, Rather Than Writings
Author(s): Stephen HellerMembers of the Secondary Section Steering Committee comment on topics of importance to English language arts educators.
Second City Teacher Training: Applying Improvisational Theater Techniques to the Classroom
Author(s): Melissa TalhelmWhile the commonly explored teacher-as-performer metaphor emphasizes the role of the teacher, the teacher-as-improvisational-performer foregrounds the collaborative nature of learning and validates the role of students.
Teaching Writing with Radio
Author(s): Sarah Levine and Johanna (Jones) FranzelTeachers with no radio experience can help their students draw on “real world” radio standards to write strong, specific, and effective pieces, and then use everyday technology to share students’ stories with the world.
The Emerging Shape of Voice
Author(s): Sherry Seale Swain, Richard L. Graves and David T. MorseThis article details research exploring which rhetorical elements are associated with statewide assessment scores and considers the role and occurrence of voice in student writing to inform teaching practice.
A Queer Literacy Framework Promoting (A)Gender and (A)Sexuality Self-Determination and Justice
Author(s): Sj MillerWhile LGBT*IAGCQM students feel safer at school than ever before, the author advocates for a queer literacy framework to facilitate a new reading and legitimacy of (a)gender and (a)sexuality in the self and others.
The Multidimensionality of Children’s Picture Books for Upper Grades
Author(s): Susan R. MasseyPicture books are often seen as a valuable tool for younger readers. In this article, the author suggests that the multiple literacies required to read a picture book can provide scaffolding and transmission of additional concepts for older readers.
Making Meaning, Visibly: “Writing” and “Reading” Image Essays
Author(s): Kathleen A. Reilly and Jennifer GoenThe authors challenged a group of mixed-ability tenth-grade students to use complex, evocative images and class discussion to “see” how readers make meaning with literary texts.
Close to Home: Creating Meaningful Contexts for Student Writing through Community-Based Problems
Author(s): David Alan SmithHow does context affect student writing? The author suggests that problem-based learning can provide a meaningful context for students to develop, understand, and rehearse writing skills.
Becoming Facebook Friendly: Social Media and the Culturally Relevant Classroom
Author(s): Joanne E. MarcianoThe author engages in a research study with a small group of twelfth-grade students to explore how students’ digital literacies, specifically Facebook, can help students meet the Common Core State Standards of college and career readiness.
Art as Meaning-Making in a Secondary School English Classroom: A “Secret Compartment” Book Project on Toni Morrison’s Beloved
Author(s): Elaine WangThe secret compartment booklet offers a particularly challenging and valuable opportunity for students in secondary English classes to explore text through creating art and to engage students as active meaning makers.
Carpe Librum: Seize the (YA) Book: “The More Things Change …”: A New Generation of Historical Fiction
Author(s): Pauline Skowron SchmidtThis column serves as a space dedicated to conversation about Young Adult Literature and to celebrate adolescents, their reading, and their experiences by reviewing the texts that engage them.
Soft(a)ware in the English Classroom: Spreadsheets and Sinners: How and Why English Teachers Can Claim Their Rightful Place in STEM Education
Author(s): Tom Liam Lynch“Soft(a)ware in the English Classroom” seeks to identify the ways in which our teaching and learning lives are influenced by software.
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