College English
Thank you for your interest in publishing your article in College English!
The editorial team is accepting new submissions. All manuscripts should be submitted via Editorial Manager (see details below). Please send queries and general correspondence regarding to the editors at [email protected].
See College English Guidelines for Reviewers for information on reviewing manuscripts.
See Book Reviews in College English for information on writing book review essays and on submitting books for review.
About College English
College English provides a forum for scholars working within any subfield of English studies to address a cross-section of the profession. Appropriate subject areas for submissions include the history, theory, and practice(s) of: rhetoric and composition studies, literacy, literature, linguistics, media/technology, and creative writing, as well as other related professional issues. As the flagship journal of the College Section of NCTE, College English represents the best emerging research and scholarship from teacher-scholars working within all institutional types and appeals to a broad, informed readership within English studies.
Submission Guidelines
Submit all manuscripts through the College English Editorial Manager site.
Submissions should either add new knowledge or challenge received opinion through a well-defined inquiry into one of the above areas, should demonstrate in the process an explicit awareness of prior scholarship on the subject at hand, and should exhibit an awareness of the broad readership of the journal. Accordingly, studies of single works and descriptions of specific classroom practices will be considered only if they serve to illustrate a critical or pedagogical theory or strategy that can be applied broadly to other cases/situations.
Articles should normally be no more than 10,000 words; collaboratively authored or polyvocal submissions are welcome. “Comment & Response” pieces are selected by the editor. Reviews are commissioned by the editor.
Manuscripts must not have been previously published or be under consideration elsewhere. When submitting manuscripts that include student work or other live human subjects’ participation, please indicate your institution’s IRB approval of the project in the Comments box. If your institution does not have an IRB and you have used live human subjects, download the Student and Other Work CTP form, and indicate the lack of an IRB in the submission comments.
When submitting manuscripts in Editorial Manager, authors should choose as Article Type either the standard Article or the “And Gladly Teach” category (see below). Include a 100-word abstract and a brief cover letter (the latter in the Comments box, not with the rest of your manuscript).
When reviewing manuscripts, reviewers are asked to consider the following questions:
- Does the author present a compelling argument of specific interest to College English readers?
- Is the topic situated appropriately in the literature?
- Does the manuscript present a sustained method or frame of inquiry?
- Does the manuscript present clear and compelling evidence /and or analysis?
Writers may wish to be mindful of these queries when preparing their manuscripts.
Submissions should be free of internal references to the author’s identity and should follow the current (9th) edition of the MLA Handbook. Manuscripts that conform to these standards and that are judged by the editor to be appropriate for the journal are submitted to blind review by external readers. Time from initial submission to notification of the submission’s status is approximately sixteen weeks. The editor retains responsibility for final selection.
Noncommercial announcements and calls for papers, 100 words or fewer, are run on a space-available basis and should be sent directly to the editor at [email protected]. Press deadline is at least four months in advance of the events announced.
Editors: Lori Ostergaard, Jim Nugent, Felicita Arzu-Carmichael, Megan Schoen
Email: [email protected] (for queries and general correspondence only)
Editorial Office Address:
College English
Oakland University
Department of Writing and Rhetoric
586 Pioneer Dr. Room 378
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
The editors reserve the right to edit essays so that their usage conforms with the NCTE Statement on Gender and Language. Publicity accorded to a particular point of view does not imply endorsement by NCTE, except in announcements of policy, when such endorsement is clearly specified.