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- Volume 79, Issue 3, 2017
College English - Volume 79, Issue 3, 2017
Volume 79, Issue 3, 2017
- Articles
The Good Writer: Virtue Ethics and the Teaching of Writing
Author(s): John DuffyThe author proposes a concept of ethics for the writing course, one derived from a moral theory that is both old and new and one that engages us when we teach such practices as making claims, providing evidence, and choosing metaphors in corollary discussions of honesty, accountability, generosity, intellectual courage, and other qualities. These and similar qualities are what Aristotle called “virtues,” and they are the subject of that branch of moral philosophy known as “virtue ethics” today. While the word virtue may sound strange to us today, Duffy argues that the tradition of the virtues has much to offer teachers and students and can clarify what it means, in an ethical sense, to be a “good writer” in a skeptical, postmodern moment.
Reimagining Rhetorical Education: Fostering Writers’ Civic Capacities through Engagement with Religious Rhetorics
Author(s): Michael-John DePalmaThe author proposes three ways that engagement with religious rhetorics in undergraduate writing courses might enable teachers of rhetoric to cultivate writers’ civic capacities. To give readers a sense of what courses on religious rhetorics that aim to improve writers’ civic capacities look like in practice, DePalma discusses three undergraduate writing courses recently taught in different kinds of institutional settings and the kinds of learning that occurred as a result of students’ engagement with religious rhetorics in those courses.
Mediating Discursive Worlds: When Academic Norms and Religious Belief Conflict
Author(s): Heather Thomson-BunnThis article presents data collected from forty writing instructors in order to explore the ways in which Christian students’ discourses seem to violate certain academic norms and to argue for the intentional engagement of these discourses. Such engagement encourages a move away from entrenched “us vs. them” narratives and toward productive mediation of competing discourses. The article concludes by offering specific pedagogical strategies that instructors might use to address academic norms with devout students.
Review Essay: No Day at the Beach: Women “Making It” in Academia
Author(s): Brenda Jo Brueggemann and Rachel GramerThe books reviewed here share the theme of women “making it†in the world of rhetoric and composition academe. The reviewers first critically summarize each of the three collections; then narratively synthesize their personal experiences with four prominent themes across these collections: knowing, balance, mentoring, and change. This four-part woven analysis, shows and tells tales from women about what has been lurking in the academy’s closet and what still needs to change.
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