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Volume 21, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1074-4762
  • E-ISSN: 1943-3069


The roles of teacher and learner have been redefined and educators are beginning to tap into the benign yet seemingly unappreciated activities that adolescents engage in outside of school as a means to foster critical thinking as well as to engage them in the new literacies needed for active participation in global citizenry. In this article coauthored with two adolescent sons, the authors consider remixing as they have experienced it in their various roles as parents, educators, artists, and middle school students. An opportunity exists to explore additional avenues regarding the impact of new literacies on teaching and learning. How do the experiences of adolescents, parents, and educators reflect the remixing of roles, strategies, and instruction? What should educators be considering?


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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