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Volume 34, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1943-3050
  • E-ISSN:


With the theme “Technology Refresh,” editor Susan Groenke offers articles that speak both to our philosophical (and often conflicted) path toward the integration of technology in the classroom and our practical approaches to incorporating it into meaningful and engaging instruction. Kesha Campbell and Karen Schramm show how English teachers are using some of the newest, latest, and greatest 21st-century technologies to promote literacy learning—but only with the help of good teachers. Rob Wallace and Monica DiVito remind us that technology can help us see our students in new ways and can promote reflection about our own teaching and student learning. Melissa Rosloniec, an 11th-grade English teacher, shows how teachers can use powerful young adult literature to encourage today’s “screenagers” to think more critically about the role technology plays in their lives. In addition, this issue introduces a new feature—the CEL Member Profile—in which an active CEL member addresses the theme from an experienced vantage point. This month, we welcome Heather Rocco, who talks about publishing student work online.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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